Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today's News

No, this is just news in my world, not beyond. Just in case you were wondering.

Young Adventurer can blow up a balloon with his nose. Can this get him into college? I think he's just gonna have to keep practicing piano. I am glad he now likes "Malaguena" and some random minuets and bourees and jazz tunes instead of "Shave and a Haircut."

Young Adventurer also likes his new school teacher. Not as much as his old teacher, however. The reason? The new teacher is not as strict. He likes strict? Well knock me over with a feather! What does this mean? I don't know. I'm sure it will become clear as we progress past the first week of school.

With the kids out of the house I am using Danjo's laptop a lot more. Today I started catching up on entering things into the personal-finance-software-that-is-not-Quicken. I discovered that my bank randomly transferred the wrong amount for the car payment a couple of months ago. It's an automatic debit. Kinda strange. There doesn't seem to be any reason. We'll see what they say when I ask. I might finish catching up on keeping track of the budget sometime next week if I don't get bored. When you haven't entered anything since April, what's another few days? I think I'll work on it while Danjo is home. Then he might come to understand why I need my own Macbook Touch.

We have a new grill. It's funny. The old grill was pretty old. There were many more holes in the burner than there were when it was new. The holes were larger, and in new places. This finally convinced us that forking out $$ for a new grill might be preferable to blowing up. I cooked dinner on the new grill tonight. Kept having to turn up the heat to get the food to cook. I was used to cooking on a old, bad grill which burned everything if the heat was not on it's lowest possible level. Spiritual metaphor here again. :-) "However, at that time, when you did not know a real grill, you were slaves to that which by nature was not a grill at all (anymore)...."
Don't go back to the old grill. You might blow up.

I saw a yellow with black stripes Transformer Camaro today. Unless it actually transforms, I still want the black one. So way much cooler than my Odyssey.

That's about it. The dogs are hungry and can't understand why blogging is more important than feeding them.

No pictures today. Go take your own. It's fun.


Mom the Wise said...

I often wondered when you kids were growing up "why are there any grown men in the world? How is it that there mothers didn't kill them when they were small?". Well now I know -- we kept them around for the entertainment value!

Grandpa Golf Cart said...

So, Young Adventurer can blow up a balloon with his nose. Amazing, but I don't want to be in the room when he pops it.