It lurks patiently, biding it's time. It knows all about long waits. Spawned in the twisted, or perhaps sadly misguided and very confused imagination of someone or something; mass(?)-produced in China, at a factory operated by some person who, perhaps caring more for his personal health and well-being than the wise management of his factory, didn't look too closely; packed in a box; shoved into a container; shipped across the turbulent Pacific seas; sucked into the holiday retail vortex, and spewed out upon the crowded shelves of TJMaxx,
"the [thing] passed out of knowledge and legend;
and even so much of it's history
is known now only to a few..."
And boy, if it falls into the wrong hands...
Looks carnivorous . . . are you s-s-s-sure it is-s s-s-afe?
darkness crept into the world, a rumor grew of a shadow in the west...and it sensed...its time had come
I know a few hobbits who can help you out with that.
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