Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Water, "running humble with a power you cannot see"

The Story:
There was this guy named Naaman. He was an army commander for Aram. The king liked and respected him, because God had used him to bring victory to the Arameans. But the poor guy had a nasty skin disease. On one of the Aramean raids into Israelite territory, they had captured a little Israelite girl. She was now a slave of Naaman's wife. She noticed his skin disease, and told his wife that if only Naaman would go to the Israelite prophet, he could be healed of his disease.
Naaman went and told this to his boss the king. The king said, "Go, by all means!" and sent him with a letter to the king of Israel and a bunch of gifts and money. Naaman went off to the king of Israel. When the king saw the letter, which said "I'm sending Naaman to you so you can heal him of his skin disease," he kind of freaked out and said, "Who am I? Some sort of god to give death and life? The king of Aram is trying to pick a fight!!" and he tore his clothes over it.
When Elisha the prophet heard about this, he sent off to the king and said, "What's your problem? Send this guy here and I'll take care of it and he'll know that there actually is a prophet in Israel."
So Naaman headed over to Elisha. When he pulled up in his chariot, Elisha sent someone out to tell him to go bathe seven times in the Jordan river and he'd be all well. This made Naaman really mad. He said, "I thought this guy would come out to me, and call on the name of his God Yahweh, and wave his hands over my diseased skin, and cure it. Instead he tells me to go take a bath in Israel's river. Heck, we have better water than that back home in Damascus! I can take a bath there!" And he stomped off in a rage.
But his servants came to him and said, "Come on, Naaman! If he had asked you to go do something hard, wouldn't you have done it? So he's told you to go do something easy. Just try it and see..."
So Naaman went down to the Jordan and tried it...

and it worked!

The song:

1 comment:

RxVette said...

Liked this song! True lyrics that make you think about what it really means to have a "heart for Christ alone". Also really liked the guitar part.
