Friday, July 17, 2009

Camp Report--a letter at last.

Adventurer Two has written. It actually arrived yesterday in a yellow envelope which we did not recognize, and was addressed not to us, but to herself. Kinda confusing. We finally decided to open it today and see if it was maybe from her. Turns out she forgot envelopes and had to borrow one from M.

It was very short, but seems to indicate she is having fun. Her activities are Hiking, Camp Craft, Nature Cross, and Archery.

In hiking they "hicked" all over and saw "the mountain"--not sure what that means.

In Camp Craft they "chopt" the wood and made a fire and it was "realy" fun.

In addition she has told M. that that she has the "best cabin ever"

M. also sent a letter which arrived today. She has watched a little squirrel eat a mushroom. She didn't say whether the squirrel seemed to hallucinate, so we must conclude that maybe it was a nontoxic mushroom. Or that the squirrel wandered off and hallucinated elsewhere.

Letters won't be so fun when the kids finally learn to spell.

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