Sunday, July 19, 2009

Art Gallery

The Adventuring family has been creative this summer. This blog entry is devoted to some of the results.
Adventurer Two completed this cross at camp.

Venom spotted a beaded necklace like this on our vacation to the cabin in the woods, and decided to make one of her own. This is the result.
This is entitled "Too much fun, not enough cleaning of the breadbox"
I include it because it is so interesting. It is not beautiful, and it is now preserved only in JPEG form.
Young Adventurer and I went and painted pottery at one of those pottery painting places during his one day as an only child. His bowl is on the right and represents day and night, with a sunrise/sunset on the rim. Note the constellations, and that the very bottom is the moon. Mine is on the left and is meant to evoke peaceful thoughts of creeks filled with rock (you'll have to imagine the fish-I elected not to paint any), and meadows filled with flowers.

Danjo the Magnificent has been busy with yard art but I haven't taken any pictures. Trust me. It looks better than it did.


Anonymous said...

Awesome necklace! I think she needs to start making jewelery for frineds! (hint hint!)

sidewalk driver said...

Maybe she will!