Friday, December 31, 2010

Family Members' New Year's Resolutions

1. Gain 10 pounds

2. Explore job opportunities utilizing newfound skill of imitating a lava lamp

3. Delegate (yard work)

4. Move to Great Britain (or England, or UK or whatever) and become the Doctor's next companion

5. Redecorate the dining room in steakhouse/grocery store kitsch

6. Shop for land in Barbados

7. Continue the search for the world's creepiest mannequin

8. Memorize a poem (not necessarily a long one) about an animal of some kind

9-11. [Intentionally left blank]

Happy New Year!


Urban Ranger said...

suggested poem:

The wombat lives across the seas
among the far antipodes.
It may exist on nuts and berries
or then again on missionaries

It's distant habitat precludes
exclusive knowledge of his moods
but I would not engage a wombat
in any form of mortal combat.

sidewalk driver said...

A poem about a mysterious beast that may or may not devour missionaries?

That may just fit the bill!