But there are San Diego proponents of extraterrestrial life who think that NASA may be way behind the curve on the subject of alien life forms.
“I have been contacted by advanced people from other planets, I’ve been taken out of my body, and I have been taken aboard starships myself," says Daniel Smith. "I’ve interacted with [aliens.] Basically, they’re just like you and me, the ones I met.”
Smith, 64, lives near Mesa College and works as a certified personal physical fitness trainer. He is also a published author. His book Roots of the Earth Man was published in 1981. “It’s a true story about a former lifetime I lived 156,000 years ago on this planet when everyone was aboriginal and a starship or space ship crash landed and I happened to be the one who witnessed it and went to investigate,” he says.
Smith was not surprised to learn of the research team’s findings and he says that their intentions are good. “However, there are certain people in NASA who do know the truth, just like in our government," he says. "There are people who know the truth about extra-terrestrials and have actually had contact with them and they don’t want the rest of us to know.” Smith respects that there may be some resistance to his ideas, but says it’s preferable to keep an open mind.
Best of all, he says not to worry: “At this time, from what I’ve researched, there are no hostile extra-terrestrials on our planet.”
no HOSTILE extra-terrestrials, eh? That's because The Doctor is doing his job. Look for the blue box, friends.
Perhaps Daniel Smith is related to John Smith?
We will never know because the Escondido Bomb House is about to blow us all to smith-ereens! T-90 minutes and counting. . . . .
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