Thursday, October 16, 2008

Coming Soon...

Concrete Pathways will be going off-road to follow the exploits 


The International Van of Mystery

 in it's quest for adventure and intrigue. 

Stay Tuned.


Anonymous said...

How are you getting the feed from Twitter? Does someone in the van have a Twitter account or are you giving them your phone?

Anonymous said...

Or will you forward texts from Gavin to Twitter?

sidewalk driver said...

Forward texts (making it "almost" live)

Anonymous said...

Very cool. Do they have any rules about cell phones with you texting back answers?

Anonymous said...

You can put that Twitter sidebar HTML code into a post for more of a spotlight.

sidewalk driver said...

I am planning to work on the blog layout today to make the twitter feed more prominent.

I don't know about texting back. You'd have to check with the van crew on that.