Saturday, August 21, 2010

Barnyard Treats

The kitten is intrigued by the giant beetle. The beetle was ready to take on the cat and it might have been successful had they come to blows. I would not want to be left alone with that thing, but the kitten didn't seem to mind.
Yes, the beetle moved rapidly toward the cat, as if to attack.
I forgot the dog's name already.
Does this guy have that "toad in the headlights" look? Because that's where I found him. He's a Sonoran Desert Toad (at least he matches the photos and description), and he was very large. It would have taken both hands to pick him up. Young Adventurer was pretty disappointed that I didn't bring it home for him, but in order to catch it, I would have had to put down my camera.


Booyor said...

If the toad is anything like the ones we have in the fields by our school, it will secrete a white poison from its parotid gland. It might be a good thing that you didn't take it home.

sidewalk driver said...

I didn't read up on whether is was poisonous. I can only say that it was very large. In any case, it was definitely the good choice to leave it in the wild, playing it's own risky version of Frogger.

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