Friday, January 9, 2009

"Trace is a Christian Game"

Young Adventurer loves my new iPod Touch enough to take it without asking, hack into it, and hide in his room to play with it, all after being told he could not play with it right then. His favorite game (and mine) is Trace, downloadable for free from the App Store. 
Today on the way home from school, he announced that he thinks Trace is a Christian game. I asked why, and here is what he said, summarized:

The character in the game is like me. The game player is like God (!!). The obstacles in the game are like the Devil. The game character(me) can't do much of anything without God drawing the path so that I can avoid the obstacles. Worthy of special comment were the levels of the game with plants. The plants have thorns (again, like the Devil) which can be difficult to avoid. A path is needed, drawn by God. Young Adventurer also noted that the more levels you complete successfully, the harder it gets to avoid the obstacles on subsequent levels. 

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