This video is rather alarming (I don't know how to imbed it or I would). Don't watch if you are afraid of mantises. However, Adventurer would like to have Booyor's mantis as a pet. She will keep it as a house-mantis in her room.
Adventurer One encountered the Bark Scorpion at (too) close range last night. The symptoms of a sting (on the knee) are lots of pain (and screaming), and some other fun stuff, such as numbness (in the foot, knee, arms and hands, and face, as well as some funny vision stuff (in the middle of the night)). All that numbness continues as of this morning. Adventurer needed help with her earrings due to this bizarre numbness. The poison control people said it can last up to a month. (I apologize for the heavy use of parentheses in this paragraph).
Said of the scorpion:
"As with all animals, these creatures are a normal and desired part of the ecosystem. Seeing one should be considered a real treat and not an opportunity to molest it or kill it."
Umm, no. I don't think so. It is dead. The people responsible for that quote also have a skull and crossbones posted next to this same creature. Whatever.
This has been wildlife week at our house. We have toads, a snake, a goldfinch, and now, the scorpion. Everything can stay except the scorpions. Danjo the Magnificent sprayed for bugs again this morning.
Here's the snake and the toads (I don't photograph scorpions):
It is a Ground Snake. They eat scorpions, but not people. Welcome to our yard, little friend.
These are some sort of toad. They eat bugs. They are cute.
Sorry to say the Major (as we call her in code) found said mantis in the bathroom, and I promptly removed it... without screaming, to the front yard.
Major did have to put on a hat to "protect herself" from the terror, however. As I was taking a picture of her next to the mantis (with protective head gear) she stated, "It's staring at me, Mom."
Ah, the influences we have on our children!
I am so glad you took a picture of that!
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