Thursday, July 29, 2010

We made it this far...

First, the little bit of trouble that delayed our vacation by three days and caused all sorts of chaos--Indie. She's okay now, or at least heading in that direction. The photo is one taken Sunday night before bringing her home from the emergency vet after a 48 hour stay. My sprained hand, her IV'd and bandaged paw. She was not feeling well, in spite of being better than she had been the day before.

We headed out this morning, and began to relax a little as we hit Monument Valley. We need to come back here for an actual visit, but just driving by on the highway was pretty impressive. Paint, mom! Paint!
I think this was Mexican Hat Rock in Southern Utah.
I don't know if this formation had a name, but Young Adventurer says it's Atherton, from House of Power.
This is Wilson's Arch. Utah. At least I think it's Wilson's. It started with a W.
This is the crack in my universe. Waiting for The Doctor to come fix it.
Also it is why we like having a sunroof.
The view from our hotel, once we finally found it. We were excited. We live near trains and we are accustomed to sleeping through the noise. And we thought Gavin would like a picture.
Sunset over Glenwood Canyon on our way out to dinner.
No, I didn't order Sushi, but we were impressed with the tomato butterflies and the turnip(?) flower
For Booyor. Inside the chinese restaurant. Turn the corner and there's a very big Buddha.
It took three cameras (and numerous acts of God) to bring you these photos. Tomorrow maybe I'll take pictures of people too. :-)

P.S. Now that I've seen an actual river, with rapids, I'm not so sure about whitewater rafting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Healer has come and He fixed the crack in your universe. And He will never giving up, never leave you.