Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thoughts on Aging

This post is dedicated to my friend who turns 30 today, and also to the people I know who have recently turned thirty even though I did not think of blogging about it until just now.

The fourth decade of life is interesting. 
I have found it to be very busy. 
Nothing really terrible has happened. 
I think it's much later that if you survive that long,
 everyone you know starts dying. 

During thirtys one puts many miles on the car and shoes. 
I have stopped watching TV but am hoping to start again soon. 
Everything is put off until later.
Even dinner.
But those you are responsible for learn to do laundry.
And cross parking lots without holding hands.

Beyond all that,
I cannot say too much. 
One thing I have noticed. 
One is not THIRTYSOMETHING for very long.
Time flies when you never get to sit down. 
Before you know it
(yes, even before I know it)
We will be forty. 
And we won't have to worry about being thirty.