Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Sidewalk Driver Publishes Second Blog"

I realized that I have unwittingly set up not one, but two blogs (technical difficulties occurred during the blog setup process, but I am surprised it took me this long to discover that the first attempt was successful). The surprise one is at http://indiedust.blogspot.com/ 
The one post that is living there was meant for this blog, but surprised me by appearing there. Maybe I will move it. Indiedust sounds like the name of a new street drug. Hmm. Maybe Danjo the Magnificent will have to post to it instead of me. Or it can be the dog blog. Or the place where I blog about very strange things. Or maybe it can be dedicated entirely to bison. Many possibilities. Barely enough time to maintain one blog. Must go clean house. Too much time wasted today already by driving to music store to have violin bow re-haired, only to discover that they have decided not to re-hair violin bows for a couple of months due to the lucrative back-to-school rental season. With every closed door one must look for open windows. I have overcome my fear of visiting a real violin shop with e-bay-purchased violins. The man was nice on the phone. Will take cleaning time slotted for tomorrow to visit real violin shop for the first time. All the more reason to go clean for a while now. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allow me to be the first to comment...I'm glad to be able to follow the musings of a friend, even one who seems to be obsessed with bison. I shall be keeping a watchful eye and an alert ear for "people obsessed with bison" support groups. I'm sure you can remain anonymous...but it is time to seek help.