Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Venom begins work on the ceiling of the "Sistine Chapel"

The story:
It began with a car crash and a backache, and the desire for a nice, hot bath, which resulted in water leaking through the kitchen ceiling and onto freshly hand-washed dishes. Rage ensued. Steak knife was applied to the dripping ceiling. It wasn't entirely irrational. No one wants mildew in the space between the upstairs and the downstairs, and a look at the pipes from below (there's certainly no easy way to look at them from above) would be necessary to pinpoint the exact cause of the leak. But there was a certain amount of satisfaction gained from the act of sawing through drywall in a burst of furious (yes, very furious) energy.
And then there was the hole in the ceiling. Like the crack in Amelia Pond's wall. Creativity applied. I think it took Venom less than fifteen minutes this morning to have that hole staring back at us...

The redemption of the leak in the pipes.

[Oh, Danjo has since enlarged the "eye" hole in order to get a better look up there, partially destroying Venom's work. I may in time give her a piece of wall to redeem that will not soon be sawn, but may be easily seen.]

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good."

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