Friday, December 12, 2008

What is your brain like?

This evening I was driving in the car with Young Adventurer. I was asking him questions about school. He must have gotten tired of the questions, because he informed me that the portion of his brain that deals with school had shut down for the weekend. He then proceeded to describe his brain as a bunch of condos. Some of the condos are shuttered at various times (his words, not mine). Currently the school condo is shuttered, indicating that it is not available. Do guys compartmentalize? Well, he's a little young to have heard that sort of description applied to men, and he was applying it to himself. 

If nothing else, I was entertained by picturing his brain as a condo complex. I wonder if there is an HOA? I did tell him that I thought it was interesting to picture his brain as condos. He said the condos were wrinkly and brain-like. 

Ha! Did you think only cold places had snow?

In other news, I bought the ingredients for Christmas Party Egg Rolls today. Now I just need some time to cook.
Venom is concertmaster for tomorrow's concert.
Adventurer Two is not feeling too great. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. She thinks Asthma stinks.
There was some sort of bird of prey in a neighbor's tree watching my little dogs in the yard a few mornings ago. It was not as big as a hawk. Maybe a kestrel. It was too early in the morning for my camera to get a good picture.  There are no other birds in the yard now. Have they all flown south, or is it the predator in residence?

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